What do the white marks on your fingernails mean?

FROM time to time little white marks appear on our fingernails — sometimes seemingly for no reason at all.

Here’s everything we know about what causes the mystery spots.

Getty – Contributor Most of us are left wondering what has caused the little white marks when they appear on our nails[/caption]

What does a white mark on your fingernail mean?

White marks on fingernails are often thought to be caused by calcium deficiency.

However, this is an old wives’ tail — the real reason is usually less serious.

The condition is called leukonchyia and is classified into two types: true leukonychia and apparent leukonychia.

True leukonychia originates in the part of the nail responsible for nail production, know as the matrix of the nail.

Apparent leukonychia is an issue with the bed underneath the nail — not the nail itself.

True leukonychia can be divided into two categories based on the appearance of the nail: total leukonychia, which is a complete whitening of the nail, and partial leukonychia, when a portion of the nail plate is affected by whitening.

Partial leukonychia can be further classified into three types:

Punctuate leukonychia tiny pen-point sized dots
Longitudinal leukonychia — larger lines across the nail 
lstriate or transverse leukonychia — larger individual dots or horizontal bands which are parallel to the base of the nail

What causes the white marks on fingernails?

More often than not, punctuate leukonychia is caused by trauma to the nail, which can be as simple as excessive tapping or chewing.

Punctate leukonychia starts off at the bottom of the nail and moves upwards as it grows.

By the time you can see a white mark, you will probably have forgotten what caused it.

Sometimes the reaction can be caused by something like suffering an allergic reaction to nail varnish, gloss, hardener or nail polish remover.

Your nails can also be badly damaged by chemicals used in the application and removal of acrylic or gel nails.

But if your whole nail turns white, it can be more serious and you should visit your doctor.

Completely white nails can be caused by deadly conditions like liver cirrhosis, kidney failure or heart disease, according to the NHS.

If the white marks fall in lines, it can also be a sign of low levels of protein in the blood.

Another cause for white spots on your toenails could be a common nail fungus called white superficial onychomycosis.

Although the first sign of infection may well present as small white dots on the nails, the infection can grow and spread to the nail bed, making toenails appear flaky before becoming thick and brittle.

How do I get rid of the white marks on fingernails?

There are currently no treatments for punctate leukonychia.

The marks naturally grow out over time if caused by an impact injury.

However, if they are being caused by something other than trauma, a doctor will need to identify the cause in order to treat it separately.

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