Think a smoking ban won’t work? Ask the kids it will affect

Last night, the House of Commons voted in favour of the Tobacco and Vapes Bill (Picture: Getty Images)

‘My granny smokes and she stinks,’ a girl no older than 10 years old told me.

‘I wish my mum wouldn’t smoke,’ said another. ‘She tries to hide it from me but I can always smell it.’

While one little girl bluntly said: ‘It gives you cancer and you die.’ 

These were the remarks I gathered last year from the First Nursling and Rownhams Brownie Pack.

I am not going to pretend that they’re the most scientifically assembled focus group in the world, but who better to ask about a smoking ban than the very people who will be affected by it?

Last night, the House of Commons voted in favour of the Tobacco and Vapes Bill that would make it illegal for anyone born in or after 2009 to buy tobacco, as well as add restrictions to vaping. It’s an effective lifetime ban on smoking for those under the age of 15.

In October last year, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak pledged to introduce a free vote on the proposal in parliament. So that very same night, I ran it past the Brownies – who had very strong views on smoking.

On top of the complaints about the smells, the girls were very happy to discuss the more nuanced aspects, too – such as whether you should be able, as an adult, to decide for yourself whether you want to take harmful substances.

There was just one Brownie out of a pack of 24 who wanted to make the civil liberties case. That, at 18, you should be able to decide for yourself. The rest of the (perhaps aptly-named) pack were very clear – bring on the staggered ban.

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They were happy with it if it meant future Brownies would not have to tolerate smelly grannies.

MP colleagues of mine have spoken of much more in-depth research they have conducted with local sixth formers. Of course, that age group has scraped through the age limit by the skin of their teeth.

It is today’s 15-year-olds who will never be old enough to buy cigarettes, so the year above at school will be the ones buying them their fags at 60. Or hopefully not, because radical action might just be what is needed to bring smoking to a halt.

The ambition for a smoke-free Britain has been around since 1999 when stop smoking services were introduced in England that year and rolled out further in 2001. But the decrease in the smoking rate has crept forward very slowly indeed – stalling during the pandemic.

So maybe yesterday’s legislation is what is needed.

Doctors certainly think so, as I listened intently to two colleagues earlier this week – both of them determined to vote for the legislation, while at the same time acknowledging the concerns that undoubtedly exist around it.

Sir Chris Whitty – Chief Medical Adviser to the Government – feels the same. He highlighted that he’s never met a single smoker who is glad they took up the habit.

While those arguing in favour of free choice think the ban should be rejected, surely there’s a case that smoking has actually taken away choice from those who have become addicted.

One of my own constituents wrote to me outlining the experience of watching a loved one die from a smoking-related illness, saying: ‘There is nothing like seeing it up close to make you realise how harmful it is.’ His analysis is that this Bill is one of the best things Rishi has done.

It is worth noting that the Venn diagram of those of my constituency who have written to me opposing the ban almost perfectly overlaps with anti-vaxxers.

As for vapes, I am more conflicted on this because I know how effective they can be as a smoking cessation tool. But do they have to be in rainbow colours, sweet flavours, pocket money prices and at a massive cost to the environment in terms of single use plastic and lithium ion batteries? Of course they don’t.

We know alternatives exist that are far more sustainable, just as effective at weaning hardened smokers off cigarettes, and pretty readily available.

They may not have the slimline feel of the Elf Bar, nor be as pocket-sized as a Lost Mary, and – to be frank – a little bit fiddly to refill, but they can do the job of getting people off cigarettes.

And that, ultimately, is what matters.

So I voted for the ban last night – and I’m relieved that it was. I voted in line with the vision of those 7-10 year old girls, a future that has lower rates of lung cancer and doesn’t smell.

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