Warning to seafood lovers as major problem could be ‘underestimated’

Don’t give up it up entirely, though – unless you’re veggie – as it still has health benefits (Picture: Getty)

Modern life can sometimes feel like dodging a laser field of weird chemicals already, and unfortunately there is something new to worry about.

A study of ‘forever chemicals’ has found that their levels in seafood could be ‘underestimated’.

Lobster and shrimp were found to be the worst offenders, which authors theorised could be because they are bottom feeders.

The study of fish and shellfish looked at common species bought in fresh fish markets in New Hampshire, a coastal US state where eating seafood is widespread.

It concluded that: ‘High seafood consumers may be exposed to PFAS concentrations that potentially pose a health risk.’

And authors called for better public policies about forever chemicals and better guidelines on how much seafood people should eat.

It comes only a week after a separate study found the chemicals were also in common UK fruits, vegetables and spices.

Lobster had among the highest concentrations of PFAS (Picture: Getty)

‘Forever chemicals’ are manmade chemicals officially called perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl linked to cancer, reproductive problems and hormone issues, among other issues.

They are given their nickname because they are extremely persistent, found in rainwater, soil, food, and our own bodies.

Researchers measured the levels of 26 varieties of the chemicals, called PFAS, in samples of the most consumed marine species: cod, haddock, lobster, salmon, scallop, shrimp, and tuna. 

The study in the journal Exposure and Health said: that in basket shrimp and lobster, ‘PFAS were detected at median concentrations ranging from below the limit of detection to 1.74 and 3.30 ng/g respectively’.

Concentrations of in fish and seafood aside from shrimp and lobster measured generally less than one nanogram per gram.

Megan Romano, who authored the study and is a professor of epidemiology at Dartmouth’s Geisel School of Medicine, said: ‘Our recommendation isn’t to not eat seafood – seafood is a great source of lean protein and omega fatty acids.

‘But it also is a potentially underestimated source of PFAS exposure in humans.’

‘Understanding this risk-benefit tradeoff for seafood consumption is important for people making decisions about diet, especially for vulnerable populations such as pregnant people and children.’

There are currently health guidelines on how much fish to eat when it comes to potentially harmful levels of mercury, but none yet when it comes to PFAS.

PFAS used in everything from the non-stick coating on pans to firefighting foam, have gained more attention in recent years as having negative health effects.

They are also present in commonly used pesticides in the UK, and have found their way into popular fruit and veg.

The Pesticide Action Network UK (Pan UK) found strawberries to be the worst affected, with 95% of 120 test samples containing PFA pesticides.

This was followed by 61% of the 109 grape samples tested, 56% of the 121 cherry samples, 42% of the 96 spinach samples and 38% of the 96 tomato samples.

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