Teen used tin of beans during a sword fight in supermarket

Oliwier Gabis, 18, chose the British food staple as his weapon of choice (Picture: West Midlands Police/BPM)

A teenager used a tin of beans during a sword fight to fend off an attacker at a corner shop.

Oliwier Gabis, 18, chose the British food staple as his weapon of choice despite carrying knives and machetes.

He can be seen hurling the tin to defend himself and his friend at MJ Food Store in Birmingham in January.

Footage shows an unknown man began running after Gabis and his friend while wielding a large blade.

While other customers ran for safety, Gabis handed his friend a machete from his bag while he went for the beans.

Prosecutor Will Dudley told Birmingham Crown Court: ‘As the defendant and his companion were leaving the shop they were approached, or ran after, by an unknown male and that unknown male was wielding a large machete.

‘What then ensued was little short of a sword fight between the unknown male and the defendant’s companion, while this defendant threw various items of groceries at the pair of them.

While other customers ran for safety, Gabis handed his friend a machete from his bag while he went for the beans (Picture: West Midlands Police)

‘In the shop was a 13-year-old schoolboy who runs in fear and the shopkeeper himself literally cowered under the desk.’

Gabis asked his friend, who sustained an injury to his leg, to hide the knife until emergency services arrived.

He was convicted of three counts of possession of a bladed article and one offence making threats with a knife.

He was sentenced to two years and one month detention.

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