Mobile phones are up to six times dirtier than toilet seats as a quarter of us never clean device, says shock study

PHONES are up to six times dirtier than toilet seats, says a shock study.

And a quarter of us never clean our device.

ShutterstockA new report has found that phones are up to six times dirtier than toilet seats[/caption]

GettySix in ten people admitted using phones in the bathroom with a further 15 per cent not washing hands every time[/caption]

Swab tests found 52 per cent of handsets were heavily contaminated with microbes.

One had levels 558 per cent — six times — more than a toilet seat’s.

Six in ten people admitted using phones in the bathroom with a further 15 per cent not washing hands every time.

Two thirds of parents see children put phones in their mouths.

Hygiene firm Initial said of its study: “Every time you touch your phone you could spread microbial activity.

“We recommend washing your hands at least five times a day, and each time you use the washroom.

“And clean your phone regularly with an antibacterial wipe.”

Samples were taken using sterile surface swabs and a rapid ATP analysis was undertaken on each sample to establish the level of microbial-related contamination on the screens and backs of the mobile phones.

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