‘Human remains’ found in park turn out to be Halloween prop

The scary discovery happened close to where police have been searching for real human remains (Pictures: MEN/PA)

A squad of detectives and crime scene officers swarmed a rugby club after boys warming up for a game found a severed arm that turned out to be a Halloween prop.

The scary find occurred at Broughton Cricket and Rugby Club in Salford, close to a nature reserve where genuine human remains discovered wrapped in plastic sparked a murder investigation.

Club steward Gordon McEwan said: ‘I saw it and I thought it looked real.’

He added: ‘We had 20 police and CSI down here and they cordoned it off. They’ve picked it up and realised it was a Halloween prop.’

Mr McEwan, 54, who lives on the grounds, said it was found by ‘some lads warming up’ who kicked a ball into the bushes on Saturday, April 7.

‘Straight away we closed the field and sent everybody home,’ he said.

He said officers photographed the item and ‘went through all the procedures’ before one ‘picked it up and said it was actually a Halloween prop’.

A picture of the fake limb was shared widely on social media with many people wrongly believing it is a real arm.

The Halloween prop found at Broughton Cricket and Rugby Club in Salford (Picture: MEN)

Police officers by a forensic tent at nearby Kersal Dale, near Salford, Greater Manchester, where a major investigation has been launched after genuine human remains were found (Picture: PA)

The remains, which are yet to be identified, were found in a secluded woodland area where an extensive police scene has been put in place (Picture: PA)

Police investigating the real human remains found nearby were continuing to search the Kersal Dale area yesterday.

One possibility is that other body parts may have been disposed of in the nearby River Irwell and underwater search units have been used.

The victim is believed to have been a man aged over 40, who had only been dead for a matter of days.

Detective Chief Inspector Andy Naismith, of Greater Manchester Police’s Major Incident Team, said: ‘This is a distressing case, and we understand that the news last Thursday quite rightly caused shockwaves for the people of Salford and further afield in Greater Manchester.

‘At the forefront of our thoughts is our victim. A life has been lost and our job is to investigate this thoroughly in order to find out answers for a family that will one day suffer the loss of their loved one.

‘I want people to be reassured with our large and visible presence in the local area. We continue to search the area thoroughly by utilising specialist departments to increase our capabilities in order to ensure a wide and thorough search of the area.

‘Our underwater divers have been out searching throughout the weekend and into this week and our canine capabilities have also been deployed with specialist search dogs examining every inch of Kersal Wetlands and the surrounding area.

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‘Once again, I’d like to extend my gratitude to the local community, who are giving our officers the time and space they need to progress this investigation – their co-operation and assistance is giving us the best chance possible in establishing the full facts.

‘Due to the condition that we found our victim in, we are relying a lot on forensic work which can take time, and this is where we need the public to help us.

‘I want to assure you we will provide you with updates as and when we can but the most important thing for us now is finding out the identity of our victim and finding out as much as possible into how his remains were found in Kersal.’

Witnesses who may have seen something suspicious in the area could be key to ‘unlocking’ what happened, a force spokesman said.

A 20-year-old man arrested on suspicion of murder on Saturday has been released on bail, police said.

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