Our baby choked to death then gadget saved our second son from same fate – they must be rolled out across UK

A CRUSADING couple distributing airway clearing devices after their baby died from choking at nursery had to use the gadget to save their second son’s life.

Lewis and Zoe Steeper, who lost Oliver and almost faced a horrific repeat with Jake, have so far handed out more than 100 LifeVacs.

Lewis SteeperJake Steeper’s life was saved by the LifeVac[/caption]

Lewis SteeperLewis and Zoe, Jake’s parents, have been distributing airway clearing devices after their first baby died from choking[/caption]

HGV driver Lewis, 39, said: “We want to save as many lives as possible — and now it has become even more personal.”

Oliver was just nine months old when he choked at his nursery in September 2021.

He was put on life support at hospital but died six days later after ­ suffering a heart attack and brain injury.

Jake, meanwhile, stopped breathing in December last year after waking up with a fever.

Lewis used a LifeVac to clear his throat of Calpol and mucus as the 14-month-old toddler turned grey and began to fit uncontrollably.

The gadget’s mask creates a seal over the mouth and nose at which point the user pulls its handle to start suctioning.

Medics concluded that Jake, who has made a full recovery, had Covid.

Lewis, of Ashford, Kent, said: “I was so desperate when it happened.

“It was the worst thing I’ve ever seen in my life.

“I just kept saying, ‘I can’t lose another child’.

“God knows what would’ve happened without the LifeVac.”

Lewis “truly believes” Oliver would be alive now if Jelly Beans Day Nursery in Kingsnorth, near Ashford, had had the devices.

Its owners voluntarily shut down after the tragedy and a police probe closed in February last year.

A full inquest is yet to be held.

Lewis and swimming teacher Zoe, 34, set up The Oliver Steeper Foundation and were granted charitable status.

They have raised almost £19,000 to buy LifeVacs to donate to nurseries, preschools and Ofsted– registered childminders.

So far, the device has saved the lives of more than 1,000 children.

Lewis said: “It’s almost like I’m taking Oli with me whenever I give a LifeVac out.

“He’s by my side all the time.

“It’s even more personal for us now because we had to use it on Jake.

“Wherever there is a human, there is a possibility of choking and we want to save as may lives as possible.”

SWNSOliver was just nine months old when he choked at his nursery in September 2021[/caption]

LifeVacThe couple have raised almost £19,000 to buy LifeVacs to donate to nurseries, preschools and Ofsted- registered childminders[/caption]

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