Huge map mistake changed the look of the US – and wasn’t it corrected for decades

California is of course part of the US mainland – but it confused cartographers for nearly a century (Picture: Getty Images)

With almost 40 million residents, California is the most populous state in the US – and the third largest, stretching all the way from the Oregon borders through to Nevada and Arizona in the east, and Baja California to the south.

But there was a time, way back in history, when the state wasn’t thought to be part of the US mainland at all – but a separate island. A belief so strong it was even included on hundreds of ancient maps.

The theory that California was separated from mainland America is a huge misconception, of course, but it confused cartographers of the world throughout the 17th and 18th centuries, in spite of evidence to the contrary from numerous explorers.

So just how did the west coast state come to be thought of as an island to begin with?

Well it’s thought to date back to the early 16th Century, when Castilian author Garci Rodriguez de Montalvo referred to California as an ‘island’ in “Las Sergas de Esplandián,” which was published in 1510.

He said in the book: ‘Know, that on the right hand of the Indies there is an island called California very close to the side of the Terrestrial Paradise; and it is peopled by black women, without any man among them, for they live in the manner of the Amazons.’

A Tobias Lotter map circa 1772 (Picture: Stanford University)

It’s been suggested that the popularity of the book at this time, and the description of California, influenced explorers in the region, who may well have mistaken the Baja California peninsula – which separates the Gulf of California from the Pacific Ocean – for the state itself.

This was further propagated after Fortún Ximénez, a mutineer on an exploring expedition sent by Spanish conquistador Hernán Cortés, apparently stumbled upon the peninsula and mistook it for an island.

Although he was killed by natives his fellow travellers returned to what was then known as New Spain and reported back on their findings.

This map from around 1700 still features California as an island (Picture: Stanford University)

Cortes himself travelled there two years later and attempted to start a colony on the peninsula – which he named Santa Cruz – but gave up after several years of failed efforts.

However the limited information he had on the peninsula is thought to have led to it being named California – from the mythical character Queen Calafia, created by Garci Rodríguez de Montalvo in his thriller The Adventures of Esplandian which was published in 1510. It also led to the assumption by many that the state was in fact an island.

That subsequently led to hundreds of maps in the 17th and 18th centuries being drawn in which the peninsula was labelled as California – showing it as a separate island.

These came from all across the world – for example a Spanish map from 1548 depicts the state as a peninsula, while it’s shown as an island in a Dutch map from 1622.

It wasn’t confirmed until the early 18th Century that the maps were wrong – and even then it took years to correct (Picture: Stanford University)

It was only after Father Eusebio Kino’s map entitled A Passage By Land to California, which followed his own travels between 1698 and 1701, was published, that the catastrophic blunder of wrongly labelling the state as the adjacent peninsula was exposed.

Even once it was revealed, it took the best part of a century to be rectified, as map-makers continued to let their imagination run riot and depict the state as an island. The madness was eventually brought to an end by King Ferdinand VI of Spain, who – fed up with the continual inaccuracy of his maps – declared in 1747 ‘California is not an island’.

His remarks were later reconfirmed by Juan Bautista de Anza, an expeditionary leader and former governor of New Mexico, following his own travels in the region from 1774 to 1776.

It was still seen as an island even in this 1865 map produced in Japan (Picture: Stanford University)

While maps might have become more accurate from that point on the rumours about California Island refused to go away completely. For example, a map from Japan in 1865 still depicts the state as being separate from the main land.

The blunder was consigned to history until 1971, when venture capitalist Glen McLaughlin discovered a 17th Century map displaying California as an island in a London map shop.

Hundreds of these maps are on display on the Stanford University website (Picture: Getty Images)

He bought it and took it home where it proved a talking point among visitors – leading him to hunt down even more inaccurate maps from the era.

Glen ultimately amassed a collection of over 800 maps – the largest known privately held collection – which were acquired by Stanford University in 2011.

They’ve since been put online and you can see them at their official website.

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