Map reveals where dangerous animals are being kept across the country

Crocodiles like this are living in homes up and down the UK (Picture: AFP via Getty Images)

Shocking research reveals there are 2,700 dangerous animals living in the UK and one could be right next door to you.

A study from animal charity Born Free examined hundreds of dangerous animal licenses issued by local councils each year. 

Throughout the UK dangerous animals are lurking in every corner, from crocodiles in Kent to cheetahs in Cheshire.

Among the most popular are 400 venomous snakes, 250 primates and 200 wild cats.

Dr Mark Jones, Born Free’s head of policy, said: ‘It is unbelievable that, in this day and age, so many dangerous animals, including big cats, large primates, crocodiles and venomous snakes, continue to be legally kept in people’s homes.’

People are able to apply for a licence under the Dangerous Wild Animals Act 1976 to keep dangerous animals as long as they have means to keep them from escaping.

This means the 2,700 dangerous animals are legally kept and there could be even more illegally kept that local councils are not aware of.

The legislation ensures animals do not escape but there is no protection to owners or others from harm.

Regions in red indicate local authorities where at least one licence to own a dangerous animal has been issued (Picture: Born Free)

Snakes are the most commons dangerous pet (Picture: Getty Images/iStockphoto)

Wildcats are also becoming a popular dangerous pet (Picture: Wandsworth Police)

Chris Lewis, captivity research officer for Born Free, says the Dangerous Wild Animals Act was ‘intended to make the keeping of such animals categorised as “dangerous” a wholly exceptional circumstance.’ 

He said: ‘However, Born Free’s ongoing research paints a very different picture.’

For example in Carmarthenshire there are 17 lions, seven tigers, seven cougars, 25 wolves, and even three elephants.

The south east of England has the most dangerous animals at 855 – more than double second place location East Midlands.

Venomous snakes make up the most dangerous animal licences.

The problem is so bad Born Free says there more venomous snakes kept in private homes in the East Midlands than in all of the UK’s zoos combined.

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There are seven King Cobras kept across the country, the world’s most deadly snake.

Mr Lewis has called for a change to the law and added: ‘At its core, the Act is based upon the assumption that it is possible to keep dangerous wild animals in a way that minimises or eliminates risk to the public and in a manner that meets an animal’s welfare needs. 

‘This has resulted in legislation being reactionary, struggling to keep pace with ever-changing scientific evidence and becoming increasingly out-of-date.’

For a detailed breakdown of dangerous animals in your area visit the Born Free website.

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