‘Historically high’ baby formula prices sparks competition watchdog investigation

Formula prices, whether they be from big brands or own brands, have risen in recent years (Picture: Liudmila Chernetska)

Britain’s competition watchdog has launched a probe into the ‘historically high’ cost of formula milk amid the gruelling cost-of-living crisis.

By one week, more than half of newborns have had baby formula, cow milk treated to make it safe for babies.

Yet as common as formula is, the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) says cash-strapped families face high prices, limited choice and few ways to pay for it.


In the two years up to Autumn 2023, the average cost of infant formula soared by over 25%.

What formula milk they buy tends to come from just two companies – Nestle and Danone – which account for 85% of sales.

While the law means retailers can’t accept loyalty points, food bank vouchers or gift cards as payment, something Metro.co.uk’s award-winning Formula for Change campaign hopes to put an end to.

The CMA today launched a probe into baby formula prices, meaning it can crowbar the information out of firms rather than them providing information voluntarily.

This means CMA investigators will know everything and anything about the infant formula market.

Sarah Cardell, the agency’s CEO, says the investigation will look into consumer behaviour and how baby formula is supplied, marketed and regulated.

‘Infant formula is a key part of the weekly shop for many parents across the UK who rely on these,’ she said.

‘Whilst it’s a positive sign that prices of some products have fallen since our update last November, the cost of infant milk remains at historically high levels.

Prices of infant formula have increased 25% over two years (Picture: Getty Images/iStockphoto)

‘We’re concerned that parents don’t always have the right information to make informed choices and that suppliers may not have strong incentives to offer infant formula at competitive prices.’

With the aim to produce a final report by September, CMA officials will then decide whether to make any recommendations to the government to bring about change to benefit the consumer.

‘For many who buy it, infant formula is an essential, non-substitutable product,’ the CMA wrote in a report on last year’s initial findings, ‘and there have been concerning reports of consumers who are struggling with the cost of living resorting to shoplifting formula, buying it on the black market or using unsafe feeding practices like watering down bottles.’

The regulator believes that more competition can encourage cheaper prices as companies try to win over customers.

However, the CMA found in November that brands wield too much power, with cheaper own-label alternatives having a ‘weak presence’ in supermarkets.


Join Metro.co.uk and Feed in calling on the government to urgently review their infant formula legislation and give retailers the green light to accept loyalty points, all food bank vouchers and store gift cards as payment for infant formula.

Our aim is to take our petition to No.10 to show the Prime Minister this is an issue that can no longer be ignored.

The more signatures we get, the louder our voice, so please click here to sign our Formula for Change petition.

Things need to change NOW.

Aldi is one of the few supermarkets to sell generic formula milk.

In August, buying Aptamil formula milk according to the manufacturers’ feeding table for a year would cost families roughly £1,000 – Aldi’s Mamia costs less than half that.

But both have seen prices bloat. Leading formula-makers saw average prices rise by 24% while Aldi’s swelled by 45%, adding further strain to scrimping Britons.

Regulators found evidence, however, that such price hikes are far higher than the cost of formula ingredients even as producers blame higher factory costs.

Just two suppliers account for 85% of infant formula sales(Picture: AP)

‘Some suppliers have seen modest reductions in overall profitability in recent years,’ the report says, ‘but as a share of revenue, margins of major suppliers in infant formula remain among the highest of all the product categories we have considered.’

But change is coming. AsdaTescoSainsbury’s, and Iceland have reduced Aptamil baby formula prices after Danone agreed to a 7% price cut to retailers.

Some supermarkets have even broken the law to let shoppers use cash alternatives, including Asda and Iceland.

Nearly 100,000 people have signed a petition calling on the government to change the Food for Specific Groups (Information and Compositional Requirements) Regulations 2016 to let families have better access to formula.

Labour has also backed Metro.co.uk and charity Feed’s campaign.

‘All families should be able to feed their babies,’ shadow secretary of state for health and social care Wes Streeting told Metro.co.uk in October, ‘and it’s too hard for so many to afford to do so in this cost of living crisis.’

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