Mystery stench plaguing a village is causing severe migraines

One person had to take two weeks off work due to severe migraines (Picture: Shropshire Star / SWNS)

Residents of a pretty village in Shropshire are up in arms about a mystery smell that’s plaguing the area.

The stench is so bad it’s left some residents of the quaint village of Muxton suffering from headaches and migraines.

Villagers say the strange smell has been hanging in the air since January.

Described as an ‘overpowering’ waste smell with a chemical undertone, residents say it’s so bad that it’s significantly impacting their daily lives.

One woman even had to take two weeks off work because she was suffering with severe migraines.

Laura Stoner, who has lived in Ryder Drive in the leafy village with her son and husband for four years started to notice the pong after Christmas.

A resident of Ryder Drive in Muxton said she started noticing the odd stench after Christmas (Picture: Shropshire Star / SWNS)

She said: ‘It started in January. It really smacks you in the face. It comes and goes and it is difficult to describe but when you leave the house it is really noticeable.

‘It is sort of a waste smell with a chemical element.

‘Some days it is so bad that you can’t put the washing out. It is worse if you approach Muxton from the Asda Donnington end.

‘Some days it is so bad that it triggers migraines or headaches for me and I had to take two weeks off work because of it.

‘Parents at my son’s school have also complained about it.

‘One of them thinks it could be coming from the nearby landfill and somebody else said it could be coming from the new estate near Asda, but I don’t know what it is.

‘I’ve tried to report it to Telford and Wrekin Council but there doesn’t seem to be anywhere on the council website to report smells.’

Another resident Danny Vurlan added: ‘Its just horrendous and I’m worried for our health.

One resident said there was nowhere to report the smell on the Council’s website (Picture: Shropshire Star / SWNS) (Credits: Shropshire Star / SWNS)

‘After a bit of time it starts giving you a headache, like that feeling if you stay in a bathroom with bleach in for too long.

‘I have no idea what is is, but it does make you gag. It’s grim.’

Locals have also taken to social media to share their thoughts about the stench, with person speculating: ‘I think its the sulphur from the tip but why its only started becoming a problem now, God only knows.’

Another added: ‘I don’t want to hang my washing out and I’m embarrassed about having visitors around at the minute.

‘There was a problem with sewage a few years back but the water company came out and fixed the drains, so its a mystery to me too.’

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Iain Alexander, chairman of Muxton Parish Council, said unsavoury odours were not uncommon in the village, but he doubted the smell was coming from landfill.

He said: ‘We do often get smells from farmers when they are spreading on their fields but I don’t think it can be from the landfill site as that is more than five miles away.’

He added that issues with environmental health should be reported to Telford and Wrekin Council.

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