Trump as president would ‘encourage’ Putin to invade more of Europe, experts warn

Experts believe Trump would help ignite further tension in Europe if he became president (Picture: Getty Images/

Donald Trump’s comments encouraging Russia to ‘do whatever they want’ to Nato allies who do not meet defence spending commitments was met with widespread condemnation.

US president Joe Biden hit out and called his predecessor’s remarks ‘dumb’, ‘shameful’, and ‘dangerous’ while Lord Cameron warned it is ‘not a sensible approach’.

It led to Republican congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Green telling Lord Cameron to ‘kiss her ass’ over the condemnation.

But what would happen if Trump does become US president for a second time? Would he still encourage Vladimir Putin to invade Nato countries not paying their way?

Putin told Fox News host Tucker Carlson last week that Russia would only invade if Poland attacked Russia.

But experts told Metro how a Trump presidency could strengthen Putin’s hand in the Russia-Ukraine war, giving him precedence to invade other Eastern European countries and the Baltic states.

Dr Laura Smith is a presidential historian at Oxford University and teaching associate in International History at the University of Nottingham.

Dr Laura Smith compared Trump to a ‘madman on steroids’ who will prove to be a danger to European peace (Picture: Dr Laura Smith)

She said: ‘Trump is this madman on steroids, he’s full of surprises and you never really know what he is going to say next.

‘While he likes to think we can’t anticipate his moves, I can’t see him changing his anti-Nato, isolationist stance as president, and this will only embolden Putin more.

‘Trump has already proved himself a danger during his impeachment following the Capitol riots when he threatened Zelensky with no support even then.

‘If anything, this proves to be a green light for Putin to invade further into Ukraine and beyond.’

Dr David Dunn, a professor of International Politics at the University of Birmingham, believes these latest Trump comments were made for a specific reason.

Dr David Dunn said Trump’s ‘unconventional mafia-like’ style has no place in the realm of international politics (Picture: Dr David Dunn)

‘Trump has said these comments at this particular moment because the media limelight was on Biden, this is deliberate from Trump,’ Dr Dunn said.

‘Secondly, Trump is this unconventional mafia-like businessman where he operates on a purely transactional basis. This has no place in international politics.

‘Trump does not like helping anyone unless he benefits from a transaction so the likelihood of him sticking to these comments is high.’

Nato allies agreed in 2014, after Russia annexed Crimea, to halt spending cuts made after the Cold War and moved towards spending 2% of their gross domestic profit on defence by 2024.

Nato defence spending is also set to hit a record high this year in anticipation of a potential Trump presidency.

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A total of 18 of the US-led military alliance’s 31 members will meet the target this year, said secretary-general Jens Stoltenberg on Wednesday.

Defence spending from Nato countries could rise even further under a Trump presidency (Picture: Getty Images)

Poland spends 3.9% of GDP on defence, more than the US’s 3.5% and way ahead of Spain’s 1%.

Geography has a big part to do with this as Nato’s spending rose markedly during Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and Trump’s first term in office.

Dr Dunn said another Trump presidency would make it easier for Putin to invade other Nato countries.

‘He’s already tried to stop aid bills for Ukraine and Israel, it will be Trump’s inaction and isolationism on the world stage which would enable an escalation in the war.

‘Trump’s already claimed he will solve the crisis in 24 hours, but when you have a situation where Ukraine will not accept a deal with Russia, this will anger Trump who will withdraw American support.

Russian President Vladimir Putin speaks during an interview with Tucker Carlson in Moscow, Russia (Picture: Reuters)

‘Putin said in his interview with Tucker Carlson that Russia is destined to reclaim back its old empire.

‘Where this stops is anyone’s guess.

‘What we are seeing is an increase in nuclear capability and defence spending across the world which makes for uncertain times.’

While Dr Smith hopes ‘calmer and better’ heads could prevent World War III, she said it is the topic her students are most curious about.

‘Trump is like gasoline on fire, both in the domestic and international arena,’ she said.

‘He likes to think of himself as this storm and this gives him control.

‘With this in mind I can only see him escalating tension in Ukraine and into Europe if he was to become president again.’

Putin has backed Joe Biden for US presidency (Picture: Reuters)

Just this week Putin took to Russian state TV to back Biden to continue on as president.

‘For us, who’s better, Biden or Trump?’ Russian TV correspondent Pavel Zarubin asked Putin.

‘Biden,’ Putin replied. ‘He’s more experienced, he’s predictable, he’s an old-style politician.’

All is not as it seems though, as both professors agreed reverse psychology is in play here.

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Dr Dunn finished: ‘Putin is piling in on Biden, calling him predictable, old school, and praising these qualities.

‘These are the exact qualities both Trump supporters and Putin hate.

‘Ultimately, Trump is Putin’s ideal candidate to become the next president.’

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