The history of ‘draft dodgers’ in war as Britain could consider conscription again

The threat of World War Three is looming larger than ever (Picture: Getty/Reuters)

For many patriots across the globe, the idea of fighting to protect your country during war and times of trouble is a source of great pride.

Here in the UK we celebrate Remembrance Sunday and Armistice Day every year, and many hold great respect for our veterans from World War II and other, more recent, conflicts.

The topic is covered in entertainment, from films like The Imitation Game and Saving Private Ryan to countless documentaries exploring the war and the testimony of veterans and concentration camp survivors.

But less is said about the uncomfortable truth about conscription: tens of thousands didn’t want to be forced to fight.

Renewed discussion about the looming threat of World War III has come to the fore after a top British general warned conscription could be reintroduced because our military is currently ‘too small’ if we became involved in the war against Russia.

While Latvia introduced conscription for men aged between 18 and 27 last week over fears Russia could invade, Nato jets have been scrambled multiple times in recent weeks as Russian missiles looked like they were flying dangerously close to Poland.

Around 60,000 people were conscientious objectors during World War II – but some ended up in non-combat roles (Picture: Keystone-France/Gamma-Keystone via Getty Images)

Tensions are rising in Nato countries sharing a border with Russia and Ukraine (Picture: Metro Graphics)

But compared to World War II, there are far more people today who would refuse the call-up – with Gen Z unwilling to touch it with a barge pole.

So what’s the history of conscientious objection – also known as draft dodging – and what would be the consequences of conscription in 21st century Britain?

Conscientious objectors during World War II

On the day Britain declared war on Germany – September 3, 1939 – parliament immediately passed the National Service (Armed Forces) Act. This imposed conscription on all males aged 18-41 to register for service.

Those who were medically unfit, as well as people in key industries like farming and medicine, were exempted. In December 1941 all unmarried women and childless widows were liable to call-up, and the conscription age for men increased to 51.

A reccurring theme in wartime dramas include under-18s who try to lie about their age or medical history to sign up early and serve their country as soon as possible – but this wasn’t a universal experience.

In Britain during World War II, just under 60,000 men were classified as ‘conscientious objectors’. If they refused to join up, they’d have to appear before a tribunal to argue their reasons, and if their case wasn’t dismissed, they were given non-combatant jobs.

Jem Duducu, historian and presenter of the Condensed Histories podcast, tells that while the figure may sound like a lot, it was in fact around 2% of the 2.9 million service men and women in the British Army by 1945.

Jem Duducu said most conscientious objectors in the UK were Quakers (Picture: Jem Duducu)

Sir Winston Churchill led the UK to victory during World War II (Picture: PA)

He explained: ‘There is a misunderstanding about why these people objected and what happened to them next.

‘Looking into the data a little closer, the vast majority of the people who objected were not down to any political perspective but religious.

‘Most of these people were Quakers, who are pacifists by religion, and therefore felt that they could not take up arms against the enemy, whilst adhering to the tenets of their faith. That is not to say that they did not believe in the cause.’

Perhaps the most famous conscientious objector of World War II comes from America who refused to fight on religious grounds.

‘Desmond Doss is the only conscientious objector in American military history to receive the Medal of Honor, The highest military decoration for bravery, the equivalent of the Victoria Cross,’ added Jem.

‘Doss was taken to court martial for the fact that he was enlisted in the infantry, and yet refused to hold a rifle. Eventually, it was agreed that he could serve in the military as a combat medic in the Pacific theatre of World War II. His story has been retold in the movie Hacksaw Ridge.

‘The point we can take from this is that not everybody for a variety of reasons, feels comfortable about killing other people. But that is not to be confused with a lack of patriotism.

‘The war in Ukraine is still seen as essential in the country. With more than 10 million people left, there are still tens of millions of people in the country and well they may not be fighting on the front lines, they can aid in their way, building drones, driving ambulances or working in the fire department.

‘Ukraine knows it’s fighting for its survival and the population believes in the cause, the same cannot be said for Russia.’

Nato is concerned by Russia’s actions (Picture: Borislav Troshev/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)

These countries already have compulsory conscription (Picture: Getty Images/iStockphoto/Metro Graphics)

What would happen if World War III broke out?

Despite the concerns raised by General Sir Patrick Sanders last month, the government has insisted it intends to keep recruitment for our military voluntary.

Comparing Britain’s firepower to Russia’s, for example, may make for disheartening reading – but it helps to know that if we did go to war with Russia, we’d have the rest of Nato by our side.

The Doomsday Clock has remained scarily close to midnight this year, and our defence minister says ominous warnings from Russia, missile strikes in the Middle East and difficulties in China mean international relations have entered ‘a new era’.

But while there will undoubtedly be swathes of people who would happily sign up if the UK government reintroduced conscription, there are plenty who would object.

The Peace Pledge Union is a pacifist campaign group which organises the International Conscientious Objectors’ Day every May 15.

They call for remembrance of all victims of war, reject militarism such as Armed Forces Day, and distribute white poppies which are viewed as a commitment to peace.

Criticising the possibility of conscription being introduced again, a spokeserson for the Peace Pledge Union told ‘It is deeply alarming that, for the first time in generations, military conscription in the UK is being actively discussed by politicians and commentators.

Donald Trump has recently made critical comments towards Nato (Picture: Mario Tama/Getty Images)

Vladimir Putin’s actions in Russia have stoked up fear of a third world war (Picture: Alexander KAZAKOV/POOL/AFP)

‘Military conscription is a violation of our basic freedoms and human rights, and must be resisted at every turn.

‘Even if it remains a remote possibility in the UK, we urge people to challenge the very idea of conscription, to ensure we never have to face it again. 

‘The fact that conscription has even been raised reflects the increasingly aggressive militarism of UK politics, with military spending on the rise, escalating tension with Russia and the recent attacks on Yemen.’

The group added that the issue also points to the ‘rise of everyday militarism’ in the UK, with military celebrations, recruitment and influence all becoming increasingly visible in British society.

‘Conscientious objection to military conscription is a fundamental human right,’ their spokesperson said. ‘We stand in solidarity with all those around the world – in Israel, Russia, Ukraine and elsewhere – who are imprisoned or forced to flee their home countries for refusing to join the armed forces. 

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‘In the UK, there was mass opposition to conscription during both world wars, with many thousands refusing to fight. It is vital that we remember their struggle.

‘If conscription is ever reintroduced in the UK, the government should expect widespread resistance. We would encourage mass conscientious objection and non-violent direct action to oppose conscription.

‘It is vital that the right to conscientious objection is respected, along with all human rights. Everyone should have the right to refuse to kill and participate in war.’

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