Navalny’s body found and shows ‘signs of bruising’ after mystery spies seen at prison

Prior to his death, Alexei Navalny was being held at the Polar Wolf prison, north of the Arctic Circle in Siberia

Critics of the Russian regime have accused Vladimir Putin of sending spies to disconnect CCTV cameras at a prison complex just days before prominent Kremlin opponent Alexei Navalny died

Several officers from the FSB, Russia’s intelligence service, visited the Polar Wolf prison camp earlier this week, according to activists at the human rights group, before the opposition figure dropped dead aged 47 on Friday. 

The organisation has also claimed CCTV cameras were shut off at the complex in the hours before, as well as suggesting the speed at which authorities made comments on the incident was deeply suspicious.

A well-prepared statement, likened by the organisation to a press release, was issued by the prison no less than two minutes after his death was supposed to have taken place, and seven minutes later Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov was addressing the country’s press. 

Representatives of said: ‘This rapid timing can mean only one thing. Everything was preplanned and coordinated, right down to the […] press release. Minute by minute. Second by second.’

An inmate at the complex has also told Russian opposition media that other prisoners were informed Navalny had died at 10am, well before the officially recorded death time of 2.17pm, as well as describing how unknown vehicles had arrived at the prison the night before. 

They said: ‘I think Navalny died much earlier than the time it was announced.’

The opposition figure’s death has sent shockwaves and prompted outcry around the world (Picture: AP)

The opposition figure’s team has said his body is currently missing from the morgue, which was attended by Navalny’s wife and mother on Saturday. 

They maintain that Navalny was killed by intelligence agents at the behest of Russian President Vladimir Putin.  

Local paramedics have told opposition outlet Novaya Gazeta Europe that Navalny’s body is currently being held at a different facility in the same area as the prison.

It is reported to have shown signs of bruising consistent with attempts to resuscitate him, likely after a seizure, though an autopsy has reportedly not yet been performed.

Navalny’s spokeswoman Kira Yarmysh has said: ‘Alexei Navalny was murdered. The whole world knows that the president of Russia personally gave this order just as it knows that Alexei was never afraid of him, never stayed silent, and that he never stopped acting. 

‘We must not give up. This is what Alexei urged us to do.

Independent Russian media outlet SOTA has claimed that Putin sanctioned the killing of Alexei Navalny ‘as a birthday gift for Russia’s top criminal investigator.’

A long-time head of the Russian Investigative Committee, 70-year-old Alexander Bastrykin had hounded Navalny for years with prosecutions described as ‘bogus’ and representing a ‘personal grudge’ by the outlet. 

Navalny’s death while incarcerated has sparked widespread international outcry, with US President Joe Biden saying he was ‘literally both not surprised and outraged’ by the news.

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UK foreign minister David Cameron has also called for an urgent update on the whereabouts and health of other imprisoned Russian dissidents. 

This includes the Russian-British journalist Vladimir Kara-Murza, a man whom the Kremlin is believed to have twice attempted to kill already, and who is currently serving 25 years in jail on charges of treason and spreading ‘fake news’ about Putin’s invasion of Ukraine. 

He appears to have been missing within the Russian prison system since late January. 

Speaking before Navalny’s death this week, Kara-Murza’s wife Evgenia said of her husband’s disappearance: ‘There [were] no grounds for his transfer and that makes it even more frightening as my husband is in the hands of the same people who tried to kill him twice, in 2015 and 2017. 

‘I demand that the Russian government provide us with information about my husband’s whereabouts.’

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