Inside the hellish arctic prison where Alexei Navalny met his death

Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny spent the last weeks of his life in the IK-3 prison camp (Picture: Reuters)

The prison where Putin’s fiercest critic Alexei Navalny was sent is one of the strictest penal colony in the world.

The IK-3 prison camp, nicknamed the Polar Wolf, is located in the Yamalo-Nenets region well above the Arctic Circle.

This makes conditions harsh and unforgiving as temperatures drop below -20.

It is known for collective punishment and prisoners are made to stand outside without coats and those who fail to stand sill are then doused with cold water.

Temperatures only begin to rise above freezing in May, replacing the snow covered ground with muddy slush.

Prisoners are forced to strip to their waists when outside in swarms of mosquitoes.

Navalny spent nearly 300 days in solitary confinement, and towards the end was allowed one daily stroll in a nearby cell.

He was also forced to listen to a pro-Putin pop song by Yaroslav Drnov, known as Shaman, at 5am every day.

The prison is known for collective punishment (Picture: news)

‘Every day we hear the command “wake up”, followed by the Russian national anthem,’ Navalny wrote on X.

‘Immediately afterward, the country’s second most important song is played – I’m Russian by Shaman.’

He still managed to stay in the public light by filing complaints about prison conditions which would allow him to appear in court and deliver statements to cameras.

He also tried to create a trade union for prisoners, and campaigned for better seats inside the prison’s sewing factory.

As a punishment prisoners are made to stand outside without coats(Picture: AP)

Through social media posts written and posted by his lawyers, Navalny spoke of the conditions he was held in.

On New Year’s Day, he said: ‘It goes like any other day: wake-up is at 05:00, bedtime at 21:00. So for the first time since I was six years old, I just slept the entire New Year’s Eve.

‘Overall I’m pleased. People pay money to celebrate the New Year in an unusual way, but I did it for free.’

In January 2023 he wrote about the his cellmate who had severe mental health problems.

Navalny suffered with health problems while inside the prison (Picture: AP)

He would emit a ‘growling, guttural scream that periodically turns on and doesn’t turn off for hours’ and would ‘yell for 14 hours during the day and three hours at night’.

Navalny also had a cellmate who had a ‘serious problem’ with hygiene.

He said: ‘If you live in a cell, and some person lives at arm’s length from you 24/7, and you are both one or two meters from the toilet 24/7, and the toilet is a hole in the floor, maintaining hygiene is of fundamental importance.

‘And a prisoner who is problematic in this sense will instantly make your life unbearable.’

Navalny requested to see a dentist for 18 months before his death, and had also developed back problems and had difficulties walking and standing.

A group of prisoners sit during classes i(Picture: AP)

One of his legs was also going numb, hinting a herniated disc.

In a post on X, he added he had been injuected with unknown drugs.

He wrote: ‘See how the system works when you are not allowed to beat up a person, but your leadership ordered you to hurt them badly.

‘For example, I have a problem with my spine. It is clear what one has to do to make the problem worse: keep me immobile as much as possible.’

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