Trump Expected To Clinch Nevada Party Nomination Despite Primary Absence


Donald Trump’s absence from Tuesday’s Republican presidential primary in Nevada won’t hinder his delegate tally, as he is poised to secure the state’s delegates through a separate caucus on Thursday.

A dispute between state authorities and the local Republican party has led to Trump’s exclusion from Tuesday’s primary, with the party insisting that only the Thursday caucus will count.

Nikki Haley, Trump’s main competitor for the Republican nomination, finds herself nearly unopposed in Tuesday’s primary. However, without any delegates at stake for her anticipated victory, the focus shifts to the caucus where Trump is expected to easily gather another 26 delegates for the Republican National Convention in July. This scenario leaves the primary process passing through Nevada almost unnoticed.

Peter Loge of George Washington University commented on the situation, noting the lack of public attention towards the primary and caucus proceedings in Nevada, overshadowed by events like the Super Bowl, featuring the Kansas City Chiefs against the San Francisco 49ers.

Nevada previously used caucuses for both parties to select their presidential candidates. However, a 2021 legislative change mandated primaries, which include mail-in voting and absentee ballots, methods not favored by the state’s Republican leadership. They argue that in-person voting at caucuses is essential to maintain the integrity of the election process, a format believed to advantage Trump due to his fervent supporter base willing to attend such events.

Haley’s campaign has criticized the Nevada process as being “rigged for Trump,” a sentiment echoed by some Republican voters in the state who feel disenfranchised by the party’s decision to prioritize the caucus.

The results for the Republican primary and the Democratic vote, where President Joe Biden is anticipated to win following his recent campaign efforts in Nevada, are expected Tuesday evening. The Nevada Republican Party plans to announce the caucus results on Thursday.

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