How ‘agent of chaos’ Iran could spark WW3 as tensions reach boiling point

The killings of three American soldiers near Jordan has marked a large escalation (Picture: Reuters)

As violence unfolds in Gaza, Jordan, Yemen and Iran, tensions in the Middle East seems to be pushing closer to boiling point with every passing day – and fears of World War Three are coming to the fore.

Recent aggressions in the Levant have shone a spotlight on one of the major players who could very well usher in a third world war: Iran.

This past week, the UK announced sanctions on seven individuals and one organisation linked to Iran – including senior Iranian officials and members of organised criminal gangs who collaborate with the Iranian regime.

Upon the announcement, Foreign Secretary Lord David Cameron commented: ‘The Iranian regime and the criminal gangs who operate on its behalf pose an unacceptable threat to the UK’s security.

‘The UK and US have sent a clear message – we will not tolerate this threat.’

But the question remains – is it enough to stop the Ayatollah?

A catalyst for war?

Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) have stoked unrest in the region for decades (Picture: Shutterstock)

Iran has spent years growing their proxies in Syria, Iraq and Yemen – and reaching into Western countries as well – yet western governments have been critcised for slow responses.

Iran has nuclear aspirations, worrying allies and a penchant for revenge – all factors which some fear could contribute to the beginning of a third world war.

MP for Rutland and Melton, Alicia Kearns, is the Chair of the Foreign Affairs Select Committee and told the UK needs to look at a different approach to address Iran’s aggression and meddling across the globe.

She said: ‘The UK needs to begin recognizing that a compartmentalized response to Iran does not work – whether it’s nuclear ambitions, assassinations, transnational repression, proxies, femicide, arming Russia, or drones manufacturing. 

‘We have to put these things all together because that’s when you see that it’s not small but quite significant hostile activity.’

Iran’s nuclear aspirations have caused worry in the world (Picture: Iranian Presidency)

Behnam Ben Taleblu is a Senior Iran Analyst at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, and echoed Ms Kearns thoughts on the danger Iran poses.

He told ‘The Iranian regime thrives on a sense of conflict, both at home and abroad… it thrives on chaos.

‘The regime is quite comfortable exploiting the chaos of Iraq, exploiting the failed state of Syria exploring the failed state of Yemen, because it needs chaos to accomplish its goals.

‘Whereas America, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and others in the Western bloc needs stability, to be able to graft on their political goals.’

Ms Kearns said Iran is ‘one of the leading state sponsors of terrorism in the world’ and stressed the importance of addressing the situation alongside Britain’s allies.

Ongoing conflicts

Houthi rebels have wreaked havoc on shipping vessels in the Red Sea (Picture: EPA)

Both the US and UK have deployed warships to the Red Sea to help address the attacks on shipping vessels – launched by Iranian-backed Houthi rebels.

It was announced the UK could deploy its flagship aircraft carrier – HMS Queen Elizabeth – to the region.

Strikes by Houthi Rebels in the Red Sea have brought other western powers back to the Middle East and raised questions of the region’s stability.

And the situation in Gaza has reached a breaking point, as Israel continues to bombard the strip and tens of thousands are dead.

Ms Kearns said: ‘As much as the UK is suffering at the moment, our allies in that region are suffering far worse.

‘The Jordanians have gotten more and more attacks on their borders – let alone the poor people of Syria, who are nearly forgotten.

‘We need to publicly recognise that Iran has absolutely no interest in the people of Palestine – it is an agent of chaos and an agent of terrorism that is using Israel and Gaza as a ‘recruiting sergeant’ for itself.’

Iran has also been accused of supplying Russia with drones to attack Ukraine – revealing the power of the IRGC stretches far beyond the Middle East.

Mr Taleblu added: ‘All of these (western) countries need to sanction and prescribe Hezbollah, Hamas, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, the Houthis and the IRGC as terrorist organizations – using their own National CounterTerrorism laws.’

Why should the West care about Iran?

Groups such as Hezbollah are funded by Iran (Picture: AP)

Even Britons aren’t safe. A London-based television channel, Iran International, was forced to temporarily move their operations to America due to ongoing threats from Iranian agents.

Even as sanctions are a welcome action from the government, Ms Kearns stressed the government needs to be clear on what they wish to achieve from them.

‘Is it a less powerful Iran? Is it an Iran being less capable of reaching nuclear ambitions? Is it an Iran less able to activate its proxies?’ she asked.

Mr Taleblu stressed that while the issues Iran are stirring up in the Middle East may seem far removed from daily life in the UK – it threatens everything ‘that we hold dear’.

He added: ‘Whether that is lower oil prices, lower prices in trade which the Houthis are targeting – Iran is creating a world filled with chaos. It’s a it’s a boom and bust cycle of violence that they control. And for major Western democracies, that continues to reduce room for maneuver.

‘When there’s a crisis, take your adversary seriously – understand what they say and don’t minimize it or downplay it – otherwise, you’ll be another Ukraine.’

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