Russia jails woman, 72, for six years for two social media posts about Ukraine

Yevgenia Maiboroda will spend six years in prison (Picture: Setevye Svobody)

A court in Russia has sentenced a 72-year-old woman to six years in prison for her posts online about the war against Ukraine.

Yevgenia Maiboroda, of Russia’s Rostov region, shared two posts online that reportedly contained ‘disinformation’ about the Russian Army.

One post on VK – Russia’s version of Facebook – ‘contained information about the number of Russian men killed in Ukraine’ and the other was described by Net Freedoms Project as an ’emotional video’.

The prosecutor claimed the posts were motivated by ‘political hatred’ – something which Ms Maiboroda denied.

She said she shared the posts in reaction to her brother who is in Dnipro, Ukraine, and was ‘trapped under the ruins of a building’ after it was shelled.

Ms Maiboroda was already fined twice since the war started for ‘discrediting’ the Russian army and criticising the war.

She’s the latest victim as Putin continues to crack down on those opposing the war (Picture: AP)

Yevgenia’s brother was reportedly trapped under rubble – prompting her to share the posts (Picture: East2West)

She was also reportedly jailed twice in March for ‘displaying Nazi symbols’ and sharing ‘extremist materials’ after she shared images containing a swastika and the insignia of Ukraine’s Azov Battalion, according to Meduza.

Putin has continued his crackdown on those opposing his ongoing war in Ukraine – in March, he jailed critic Vladimir Kara-Murza for 25 years for opposing the war.

Kara-Murza, who has dual Russian and British citizenship, told the court in Moscow he was ‘proud’ to be jailed for treason and ‘discrediting the military’.

His sentence is the longest Russia has ever handed to a critic of Vladimir Putin and followed two failed attempts to kill him with poison.

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But worries about Kara-Murza have increased after he vanished from his prison yesterday, and is being transported from colony IK-6 in the Siberian city of Omsk to an unknown location.

In the colony, Mr Kara-Murza was repeatedly locked in a ‘punishment’ cell to limit his communication with other prisoners. 

His wife Evgenia Kara-Murza confirmed the reports on X, saying: ‘We just learnt that after four months of solitary confinement my husband “left” (as put by an official) the strict-regime penal colony in Omsk in an unknown direction.’

Russian human right group OVD-Info said the politician is being transported to a different location, but that the Kremlin has not disclosed where.

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