Europe’s most dangerous criminals still on the run

All of Europol’s most dangerous criminals still on the run

A mobster from the Neapolitan criminal clan known as the Camorra, human traffickers and drug lords are amongst Europe’s most dangerous fugitives.

Europol, an umbrella body coordinating with multiple police forces, has named the ‘dangerous’ runaways across the continent.

They were chosen from the agency’s larger ‘EU most wanted’ list, which currently features 61 people. analysed the entries and published them below, starting with which country the are wanted in.

Spain: Man who shot his son dead with a 9mm handgun

Ramon de la Camera

Ramon de la Camera, 71, has become one of the most dangerous criminals now on the run.

According to Europol, he gunned down his son David, 22, in a bar in Barcelona in May 2003

The victim was shot in the back of his head, causing him instant death.

France: Man wanted for murder of his 10-year-old daughter

Cyrille Picard

Cyrille Picard is wanted for the murder of his daughter on May 12, 2022.

The body of the 10-year-old was discovered, strangled and beaten next to a fire.

The 54-year-old has been on the run since then and was last seen just days after on the French west coast. His dog Tyson was with him at the time.

The fugitive is considered to be dangerous and knows how to handle weapons.

France: Gangster involved in the murder of a rival

Farid Toloun

Farid Toloun was known as one of the leaders of a violent gang behind a series of armed robberies in the Lyon region.

The 51-year-old was behind the surveillance of a rival, who was later murdered.

Tolun, who has a ‘scar on his forehead and a scar on his right cheek’, has not hesitated in the past to open fire on police. in France and abroad, and is particularly dangerous.

Czech Republic: Drug lord who ‘looks for the company of drug-addicted women’

Norbert Kijonka

Norbert Kijonka was sentenced for six and a half years for multiple drug offences in 2016, but has been evading authorities ever since.

The 50-year-old is suspected to be part of a gang behind the sale and production of drugs in the Czech Republic, Poland and Germany. He uses forged documents.

Europol said he is armed and has military training.

It added: ‘He looks for the company of drug-addicted women, he likes fast cars and powerful motorcycles.’

Belgium: Trafficker of young girls from Nigeria to Europe

Felix Omoregie

Felix Omoregie, 56, was behind the organised smuggling of young girls, some of them minors, from Nigeria to Italy.

The victims, who were in a precarious situation, were trafficked to a number of European countries, where they were forced into prostitution.

As leader, Omoregie decided which country the victims would be transferred to and collected all income gained.

Croatia: Criminal behind weapons manufacturing

Tomislav Drmić

Tomislav Drmić, 30, is wanted for multiple criminal offences including illegal production and trafficking in drugs, weapons and explosives

Police have described him as ‘dangerous, violent, escape risk and armed’.

Czech Republic: Suspect behind drug trafficking group across world

Vilem Kovac

Vilem Kovac is suspected to be behind a major drug operation extending across the Czech Republic, but also in Lebanon, Greece, Slovenia, Poland, Germany, Spain, France, the Netherlands, Latvia, Lithuania and Russia.

The organised crime group is involved in the import, export, storage, distribution and sale of drugs and also cigarettes.

An arrest warrant has been issued for the ‘armed and dangerous’ suspect, who was sentenced to 18 years in jail while on the run.

Luxembourg: Attempted murder with a screwdriver

Sasa Bibic

Sasa Bibic is suspected to be behind a violent home invasion in the Luxembourg capital on April 19, 2023.

The 52-year-old, accompanied by an accomplice, entered a flat on the second floor of a residential building, where he attacked his victim with a screwdriver, before fleeing with stolen jewels.

Italy: Most wanted Camorra member

Renato Cinquegranella

Renato Cinquegranella is perhaps the most elusive of all criminals on Europol’s list.

Born in Naples, the 74-year-old is a member of the Camorra, one of Italy’s most feared mafias, also referred to as ‘the system’.

He has been on the run since 2002, after being convicted of murder, weapons charges and extortion.

A face like many others, yet his name appears in the judicial chronicles of two of the most horrific crimes in Naples.

Cinquegranella is believed to be behind the murder of Giacomo Frattini, called ‘Bambulella’, soldier of a Camorra clan known as the NCO, who was tortured and torn to pieces in January 1982.

The victim was discovered wrapped in a sheet in the trunk of a car, while his head, hands and heart were found cut and closed in two plastic bags inside the car.

But the mobster is also considered responsible somehow for the massacre of the head of the Polizia di Stato Investigative Unit of Napoli Antonio Ammaturo and his driver, Pasquale Paola.

Sweden: Cocaine and cannabis smuggler on the run

Victor Miah

Victor Miah, 34, is suspected for being involved in ‘particularly gross smuggling of narcotics’.

He is believed to be behind the shipping of large quantities of cocaine and cannabis to Sweden.

Austria: €5,000 reward to trace this tattooed drug trafficker

Martin Schabel

Martin Schabel is suspected of selling large quantities of drugs on the Darknet as the leading member of a criminal organisation between March 2018 and September 2020.

The 51-year-old has been on the run since April 2021 and is suspected to be abroad.

He was last spotted in the town of Lignano Sabbiadoro, in Italy, where he stayed in an apartment in Aprilia Marittima, Latisana.

Authorities say Schabel has distinctive tattoos – praying hands on he left side of his chest, a man’s hed on his back and a dog’s head on his left lower leg.

Romania: Sexual exploitation of children and child pornography

Adrian Munteanu

Adrian Munteanu is behind one of the largest prostitution networks in Western Europe.

The 40-year-old recruits young women from Moldova and sexually exploits them abroad. At least three of the girls were minors.

Poland: Football stadium murder of journalist

Kamil Zyla

Kamil Zyla stabbed a journalist more than 50 times in his car in a particularly brutal murder.

The attack happened on a night n March 2022 near the football stadium of the city of Chorzów, in Poland.

Just hour after, the 36-year-old fled the country and his current whereabouts are unknown.

Bulgaria: Drug lord behind 740kg cocaine shipment

Nikolay Kurkuchev

Nikolay Kurkuchev is wanted for being one of the major players in an international drug trafficking group, importing cocaine from South America to Europe.

The drugs were hidden inside legal merchandise, in containers shipped from Colombia, under the appearance of legal trade.

Upon arrival in Europe, the legal merchandise was sent to laboratories where the drug would be extracted.

The organisation used to send its own ‘chemists’ to ensure that the maximum possible amount of substance is recovered.

Inside Europe, they moved the cocaine in vehicles with hidden compartments.

Three shipments from South America to Bulgaria were registered, involving a total of 740 kilos of cocaine.

The investigation revealed that Kurkuchev was the leader in Bulgaria, from where it was shipped abroad.

Slovakia: Man who traded methamphetamine for properties

Martin Smatlak

Martin Smatlak is a member of an organised group producing methamphetamine in the village of Priechod, in Slovakia.

The 49-year-old purchased various medicines from Poland from which the drugs were made, later selling it with the goal of getting more properties.

Latvia: Man suspected in ex-wife’s murder

Leons Rusins

Leons Rusins is suspected in stabbing his former wife to death in front of his son and her former mum-in-law.

During a car chase, the 53-year-old blocked the road in front of the car driven by his ex. Inside were the couple’s underaged son and his ex-wife’s mother.

He smashed the door window, proceeding to stab his former partner in the face and neck, killing her.

Denmark: Victim’ throat slit

Amin Qatra

Amin Qatra is wanted for a murder committed in June 2016, in Vejle, Denmark, where he cut the victim’s throat. They died shortly after.

Slovakia: Alleged boss of Eastern-Slovak mafia on the run

Robert Okolicany fled Slovakia just hours after the Supreme Court sentenced him and two of his associates to life for several crimes including murder.

In May 2018, a European Arrest Warrant was issued for ‘establishing, organising and supporting of a criminal group and a terrorist group’.

Croatia: Double murder in ‘Tourist’ hotel

Davor Čizmok

Davor Čizmok was sentenced to 34 years in prison for the aggravated murder of two friends in the former ‘Tourist’ hotel in the city of Osijek.

The brutal attack happened in 2004, but the court changed its decision on the case several times.

The 43-year-old has been described as ‘dangerous, violent or/and armed’.

Malta: Woman stabbed to death by ex-boyfriend

Hamid Ibrahim

Sylvana Muscat, 36, was was found murdered in her apartment in the town of St Paul’s Bay in March 2015.

The investigation proved that she was stabbed to death by her ex Hamid Ibrahim.

Her body was found with a total of five stab wounds, the autopsy showed.

Ibrahim fled Malta just a few hours before the remains were discovered. It was confirmed that he took a flight Italy, but reliable sources informed the Maltese Police that a month later he was seen in Dublin, Ireland, which is his last known whereabouts.

Italy: Mob boss who escaped max-security jail using rope of knotted bed sheets

Marco Raduano

Italian authorities launched a manhunt after mobster Marco Raduano used bed linen to scale down the walls and escape a high-security prison in February 2023.

CCTV of the dramatic escape appears to show the 40-year-old – a leading figure in the Apulia-based Sacra Corona Unita mafia – clambering down the outer wall of the Badu’e Carros jail in Nuoro, Sardinia, using a rope of knotted bed sheets.

He then leaps the last several metres to land on the grass below, before jumping up and sprinting down the road.

Raduano’s arrest came in 2018 amid a large-scale drug and arms trafficking sting, and had recently received a final prison sentence of 19 years.

Bulgaria: Men shot to death with ‘Scorpion’ machine gun

Anton Petrovski

Anton Petrovski used a Czech-manufactured ‘Scorpio’ machine pistol to kill two men in Selishte village, in Bulgaria’s Blagoevgrad Province.

The attack happened in December 2001, but police have failed to trace the 57-year-old.

His second victim is believed to be one of Petrovski’s criminal associates. The man’s face was all smashed up and authorities believe he tried to prevent the body from being identified.

Poland: Chicken seller kills two with meat axe

Rafal Pacyna

Rafal Pacyna attacked his landlady with a meat axe, crushing her skull and brain until she died, to avoid paying rent for his business.

He then also killed a man, who authorities believe witnessed the gruesome crime.

Afterwards, the murderer set the building on fire to cover his tracks. The attack happened on New Year’s Eve in 2005, but it took almost two decades for the court to find him guilty.

Pacyna has been on the run since 2019, just before the verdict was announced.

France: Murder at air-traffic control room

Karim Ouali

Karim Ouali is wanted for the alleged murder of Jean Meyer in April 2011.

The 47-year-old is believed to have attacked his colleague in the air-traffic control room of Euro Airport Basel-Mulhouse-Freiburg, killing him with an Amerindian axe.

At the time, he was suffering from persecution mania and was in a psychotic state.

Ouali has tribal tattoos on the chest and a beauty mark on his right cheek.

Luxembourg: Woman and child held at knifepoint during armed robbery

Abdullah Khodor

Abdullah Khodor is wanted for kidnapping, illegal restraint and hostage-taking after taking part in an armed robbery in the city of Gonderange in December 2017.

Along with his partner, he is believed to have held a woman and her young niece at knifepoint at her home.

The pair stole jewellery and some cash after smashing up the home phone to stop the woman from calling the police.

Hungary: Cannabis drug lord

Peter Uregi

Peter Uregi has been on the run for years for growing and trafficking cannabis in a number of locations in Hungary.

Police busted two plantations in the Győr area and arrested five members of his crime group.

Ureg has been identified as the leader of the operation and an arrest attempt on him has been made several times, but he succeeded to escape from officers.

Bulgaria: Heroin trafficker sentenced to 16 years in prison

Mustafa Shakir forced a fellow Bulgarian citizen to become a ‘drug mule’ and carry heroin from Turkey to their homeland.

Police busted his victim in November 2009 and discovered 27 kg of heroin on them.

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