Emefiele And The Alleged Rot At Central Bank Of Nigeria

Corruption has long been a scourge on Nigeria’s economic landscape, a scourge which has hindered development and perpetuated mass poverty.  Indeed, Nigerians are unfortunately used to stories of brazen corruption by the ruling elite.

However, the recent allegations against the former governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), Godwin Emefiele, is in a new class of its own. These allegations which emanate from the Jim Obazee Investigation Report on CBN, have cast a dark shadow on the nation’s financial integrity. And financial health!

For those who do not know, the Central Bank is the custodian of the financial health of a country. It is the very heart and heartbeat of the well being of any nation. As such it’s integrity ought to be sacrosanct.

To imagine that some persons were playing ludo within the sacred precincts of the CBN is indeed heart breaking and nation breaking. Little wonder, Emefiele’s CBN could not successfully carry out an assignment as simple as Naira redesign. Sad indeed.


Corruption Allegations Against Emefiele

The allegations laid against Emefiele include; Unauthorised funding of 593 bank accounts located in the UK, US, and China; Fraudulent cash withdrawal of $6.23 million from the CBN vault under a purported presidential approval to pay foreign election observers; Gross financial misconduct by Emefiele and at least 13 other individuals, including his Deputy Governors; £543.4 million held in fixed deposits by Emefiele; Manipulation of the Naira exchange rate and perpetration of fraud in the CBN’s e-Naira project; The unauthorised Naira Redesign without Board or presidential approval; The printing of new N200, N500, N1,000 notes costing N61.5 billion, with N31.8 billion paid to the contractor; Expenditure of N1.73 billion on questionable legal fees related to the Naira Redesign; Payment of £205,000 to a UK Firm for the Naira Redesign effort; Fraudulent use of Ways & Means totaling N26.627 trillion; Fraudulent intervention programmes; Fraudulent expenditures related to COVID-19; Misrepresentation of presidential approval on the NESI Stabilization Strategy Ltd; Padding of former President Buhari’s approval by N198.96 billion; Unapproved N500 billion taken and debited to Ways & Means without formal presidential approvals; Emefiele and four Deputies’ alleged connivance to misappropriate funds; No approval for the breakdown of N22.72 trillion presented to the 9th National Assembly to illegitimately securitise the “Ways & Means” financing.

These allegations, ranging from unauthorized funding to financial misconduct, underscore the urgent need for systemic reform to eradicate corruption within crucial institutions like the CBN.


Like Abacha, Like Emefiele

Corruption has had a devastating impact on Nigeria’s economy. From the 10 percenters who collected 10 per cent for government contracts that Major Kaduna Nzeogwu talked about in his 1966 coup speech to the present day when politicians collect 100 per cent of the contract sum and the jobs would not be executed at all, as well as the Abacha loot, Nigeria had always been a fertile ground for all kinds of sleaze at huge cost to the development of the country.

The endemic nature of corruption in Nigeria has had severe repercussions for the economy. Misappropriation of funds, fraudulent transactions, and manipulation of financial systems have contributed to the nation’s economic woes. The mismanagement of resources, as outlined in the allegations against Emefiele, is a betrayal of the Nigerian people and a significant obstacle to the country’s progress.

The unauthorised deposits of foreign currencies in overseas bank accounts were a reminder of the Abacha years. To this day the federal government is still receiving the loot lodged in foreign banks by Abacha and his agents after over two decades of Abacha’s death. The alleged unauthorised funding of 593 bank accounts in foreign countries also raises concerns about the lack of oversight and accountability within the CBN, while fraudulent cash withdrawal from the CBN vault, resulting in the purported withdrawal of $6.23 million for election observers highlights the potential misuse of funds for personal or political gain. The broad financial misconduct allegations against Emefiele and his deputies underscore a systemic issue within the leadership of the CBN.


Projects 543.4m Pounds Could Fund

Can you imagine for instance what the 543.4 million pounds that Emefiele allegedly lodged in fixed deposit in UK banks could do to Nigeria’s economy if it was spent for the development of the country.

As Nigeria grapples with numerous infrastructure challenges, this substantial amount could have served as a catalyst for transformative development. Firstly, it could have been used to address Nigeria’s staggering housing deficit of 17 million which requires strategic investments. With £543.4 million, a substantial number of affordable and quality housing units could be constructed, providing shelter for countless families currently in dire need. Infusion of funds into the housing sector would not only reduce the housing need but also stimulate economic growth and job creation.

Secondly, Nigeria has 195,000-kilometer road network with only 60,000 believed to be worthy of providing service. Nigeria roads are characterized by potholes and cracks, depression road surface, and failed road shoulders among others. It means that the country has 135,000 bad roads that could be repaired with the 543.4 million pounds.

With 543.4million pounds allocated to roads rehabilitation, a considerable portion of the 135,000 bad roads could be rehabilitated, enhancing connectivity, reducing travel time, and fostering safer journeys for citizens.

Furthermore, the dire state of healthcare infrastructure, particularly in cancer treatment, demands urgent attention. Nigeria currently has a mere 19 approved chemotherapy centers for a population of 200 million. The 543.4 million pounds could substantially increase the number of well-equipped chemotherapy centers, providing essential medical services to millions suffering from cancer and other life-threatening illnesses. In addition to cancer treatment, investing in other critical areas of healthcare, such as building modern hospitals and improving medical facilities, would significantly enhance the overall health sector, if Emefiele had not taken it outside the country.

The revelations from the Jim Obazee Report show clearly that corruption is the reason why people are dying needlessly on our roads and hospitals! Many Nigerians live in poverty simply because the ruling elite are carting away needed resources to other lands and climes.


Addressing Corruption and Restoring Trust

The allegations against Emefiele highlight the fact that urgent and comprehensive anti corruption reforms are needed within the CBN and other critical institutions. Transparency, accountability, and adherence to ethical standards must be prioritized in order to rebuild citizen trust and confidence in the nation’s financial systems.

There is an urgent need to strengthen oversight mechanisms at the apex bank. The government must implement robust oversight mechanisms to prevent unauthorized transactions and ensure accountability at all levels of financial institutions.

Enhancing whistleblower protection will encourage staff of the CBN to expose rot in the system. Establishing a robust whistleblower protection programme to encourage individuals to come forward with information on corrupt practices without fear of reprisals should be encouraged.

The government should institute measures that promote transparency in financial transactions, including public disclosure of major financial decisions and transactions, as well as independent audits and investigations. Conducting independent and regular audits of financial institutions to identify irregularities and initiate investigations into alleged corruption is therefore essential.



Legal Reforms




It is important than ever before to review and strengthen existing legal frameworks to ensure that corruption cases are expeditiously prosecuted, and perpetrators face significant consequences.




The allegations against Godwin Emefiele underscore the critical need for a comprehensive overhaul of Nigeria’s financial governance structures. Addressing corruption within the CBN and similar institutions is not only vital for economic recovery but also essential for rebuilding the trust of the Nigerian people. The government must take decisive action to enact meaningful reforms that will usher in a new era of transparency, accountability, and responsible financial management. Most importantly, every penny that belongs to Nigeria allegedly siphoned by Emefiele and co must be recovered and judiciously deployed for the development of the country.






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