Farmer attacked by crocodile fights back by biting its eyelid

Farmer attacked by crocodile fights back by biting its eyelid (Picture: Getty Images)

An Australian farmer who was snatched by a large crocodile narrowly escaped with his life after biting his reptilian captor on the eyelid.

Cattle herder Colin Deveraux was attacked by a 3.2-metre-long crocodile while repairing fences alone in a remote region of the Northern Territory.

The farmer, described as being a ‘veteran’ in his sixties, was walking next to a lake when he noticed fish swimming in the middle of its receded water.

But before he could react, he was ambushed by a large male croc, who shot out of the water and ‘latched’ onto his foot.

‘The water had receded and it was down to this dirty water in the middle. I took two steps and the dirty b****** [the crocodile] latched onto my right foot,’  he told ABC.

‘It was a big grab and he shook me like a rag doll and took off back into the water, pulling me in.’

Mr Deveraux said he first tried kicking the crocodile in the ribs with his left foot. But when that failed, he bit the predator’s eyelid.

After biting the croc he leapt away and ran to safety (Picture: Getty Images)

He said: ‘I was in such an awkward position… but by accident my teeth caught his eyelid. It was pretty thick, like holding onto leather, but I jerked back on his eyelid and he let go.

‘I leapt away and took off with great steps up to where my car was.’

The beast chased Deveraux for ‘maybe four metres’ before giving up its pursuit. The whole incident lasted around eight seconds, he estimated.

Upon making it to safety, he got a towel and some rope to strap up his leg and stop the bleeding, before being driven by his brother to a hospital around 130km away.

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Mr Deveraux has been in the hospital receiving treatment for the past month, and received a skin graft earlier in November. He is now able to feel his toes, which has given doctors hope he will be able to walk out of the hospital soon.

‘Biggest problem was having to clear out all the bad bacteria [from the wound] … so all of the billabong water full of mud, goose s***, duck s***, and crocodile teeth marks,’ he said.

‘It [my foot and leg] was opened up bad and over 10 days in a row, I think, they had to flush it.

‘If he [the crocodile] had bitten me somewhere else it would have been different.’

He added: ‘It means I’ve got to change what I do. I’ve been walking around that swamp country too long fixing fences and living life, but it’s opened my eyes.’

Mr Deveraux claimed that the reptile that attacked him had been ‘removed’, without going into details. Crocodiles are a protected species in Northern Territory.

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