Investment In Sports Crucial To Talent Development In Africa – Guill

What is the initiative behind the Dambe Warriors League?

Dambe Warriors League (DML) is home to the 18 top fighters across the globe and is aimed at expanding the traditional sports of dambe both nationally and internationally through the promotion and production of top-quality fights across Nigeria and beyond. 

The league’s structure and scoring have been simplified to make fights fair and consistent, using trained professional judges and referees to ensure warriors adhere strictly to codes of conduct that prioritise the safety of the fighters without sacrificing entertainment for the audience.

DWL is a collaborative effort between its executives, local experts, warriors, and their fight houses. Dambe has a rich and vibrant history, and the time is now for DWL to bring these traditions to the world stage.


The structure of the Dambe Warriors League looks amazing. How did you do it?

Dambe Warriors League has three divisions namely: Lightweight, Middleweight, and Heavyweight. Each division is made of 6 warriors competing in a quarterly circuit and all warriors will fight each other one time each quarter.

After each fight, rankings are submitted by certified voting members. Rankings are recalculated within 48 hours after every Dambe fight based on an average of the submitted rankings and will be published on the official Dambe Warriors channels.

At the end of each quarter, DWL will host a Dambe SuperFight that pits the #1 ranked warrior in each division vs the #2 ranked warrior in a Championship bout. Dambe SuperFights will also include three promotion fights, where the two top challengers in each division will fight to replace the #6 ranked warrior. 

Warriors can be disqualified from DWL for steroid use, criminal conduct, missing fights for unexcused reasons, or any other reason DWL executives deem necessary to preserve the integrity of the league and the sport.


What are the rules of Dambe Warriors fights?

Each Dambe fight consists of three timed rounds and all Circuit Fight rounds are two minutes. All SuperFight rounds are three minutes. There is a one-minute break in between rounds.

If a winner is not declared at the end of three rounds, there is a two-minute sudden death round in Circuit Fights or a three-minute sudden death round in SuperFights.

Three approved judges sit ringside to watch the fight. Each judge scores every round on a 10-point scale with the warrior who ‘won’ the round most commonly scoring 10 and the other warrior scoring 9. A warrior wins a round by controlling the fight, landing better punches throughout, and exhibiting greater defensive skill.

Judges are also able to award a 10-10 round if the round is judged to be completely even. Judges will deduct one point for behaviour deemed unsuitable by the DWLA three-judge system that is standard for DWL Circuit Fights and SuperFights.The dispute resolution process is straightforward. DWL executives, and a final decision will be made by the committee within 5 business days.


What is the origin of the name ‘Dambe’ Fighting?

Dambe is a traditional West African form of boxing that originated among the Hausa people of Nigeria. Dambe fights involve two warriors who use their dominant hand, known as the spear hand to strike their opponent. Their other hand, known as the shield hand, is used for defense and to grapple with opponents. Warriors wrap their ‘spear hand’ with a tightly knotted cloth for added impact. The art of Dambe fighting centers around a sound offensive strategy characterised by strong punches, strong kicks, and other close-quarter combat techniques.


How are the Africa Fighters League and Dambe Warriors League connected?

Created the official Dambe Warriors League, under the AFL Banner, which includes weight divisions and updated commercially viable sets of rules and regulations. Signed 18 top Dambe warriors to contracts, in addition to the top referees, judges, and coaches in the Dambe ecosystems. 

Secured the primary Dambe arenas for our circuit fights in Kano, Abuja, and Lagos, including having the Kano State government donate Kano Pillars Stadium for our first Superfight in November. Built our brand identity which informed the development of our world class website and OTT MTN-integrated app. Secured one of the top content production companies in Nigeria to capture and package Dambe content in a manner not accomplished to date.


What are your future plans for the host communities, fighters, and what values should partners and potential sponsors expect from DWL/AFL?

Dambe is bursting at the seams with raw Nigerian talent, but even the domestic distribution of the sport is lacking. This doesn’t even consider the massive diaspora opportunity that exists in the United States and Europe. The fire and passion contained within these amazing warriors is significant. 

Our aim is to now harness, polish, distribute and properly manage the Dambe ecosystem while always preserving the tradition, honor, and will that has driven the sport forward for centuries. We are honored and humbled to be working with such amazing local partners, and we are grateful for everyone who has welcomed us into the Dambe family as generously as they have. The future is bright for Dambe, and we will work hard to make sure that everyone, not only in Nigeria, but also the rest of the world, takes notice.

This venture is more than just a sporting endeavour; it’s a labour of love, a tribute to tradition, and a celebration of the indomitable human spirit. As a lifelong admirer of Dambe, I have witnessed the raw power, the rhythm of the drums, and the camaraderie that define this ancient martial art. It is more than a sport; it’s a bridge connecting us to our roots, reminding us of the valor of our ancestors, and inspiring us to push beyond our limits. The birth of the Dambe Fighters League is a dream realised, a dream to elevate Dambe from its grassroots origins to the grand stages of the world. 

Our aim is not just to organize matches, but to preserve and promote the essence of Dambe – the honour, the tradition, and the unyielding will of the fighters. We envision a future where Dambe resonates in arenas across continents, where the thud of fists against flesh echoes the heartbeat of a cultural legacy. But beyond the applause and victories, our true triumph lies in the lives we touch – the fighters who find purpose, the families who find support, and the communities that find unity. 

With every fight, every chant, and every punch, we are breathing new life into an age-old tradition. Together, as fighters and fans, we are shaping history, not just for ourselves, but for generations to come. Welcome to Dambe Warriors, where passion meets purpose, and where the legacy of Dambe continues to evolve.


What potentials does the warriors have in helping to build and strengthen the Nigerian economy?

With professionalised contracts, outside investments, and local partnerships, DWL aims to provide our partner communities with significant resources as part of mutually beneficial arrangements where DWL can thrive and grow while goodwill and services can be accomplished at the local level. Long-term, we would love to invest in education and academies.


What support would you require from the government and regulatory agencies to help DWL grow to its full potential?

DWL aims to partner with local, state, and national entities to help publicize the sport of Dambe and our partner communities through negotiated use of adequate facilities and advertising. DWL’s goal is to unite Africa around its warriors, honour, and tradition.


How can fighters register to join DWL?

Aspiring warriors need to reach out to their local Dambe arenas to get properly plugged into the Dambe ecosystem. Dambe is a violent sport, and DWL warriors are highly skilled. We do not condone any unsanctioned matches or participation in non-DWL events for safety concerns.


What is the Dambe Warriors App?

The Dambe Warriors App is a mobile application that provides users with information about the sport of Dambe, as well as videos and highlights of matches, interviews with fighters, and other content related to the sport. The Dambe Warriors App is free to download and use. However, some content requires a subscription or payment to access.

Subscribers will be able to access live streams of certain Dambe fights and additionally, users can watch highlights and replays of past fights, as well as interviews with fighters and other content related to the sport.

New content is added to the Dambe Warriors App on a regular basis, including highlights and replays of recent fights, interviews with fighters and coaches, and other Dambe related content.


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