Mum reveals how she shed 66lbs with a few simple lifestyle changes – and WITHOUT giving up chocolate

EMMA Frances Goode was overjoyed when she fell pregnant with her first son.

But she spent the following nine months in a constant state of exhaustion, regularly reaching for high-calorie snacks.

Instagram/@miss_no_goodeEmma Frances Goode lost 66lbs after giving birth to her first son[/caption]

Instagram/@miss_no_goodeShe credits several simple lifestyle changes and a shift in mindset[/caption]

As her cravings worsened, her pain and weight did too, and she soon struggled to even walk around her block or leave her bed without help.

Eventually she clocked 15st on the scales – the heaviest she had ever been.

Despite the elation she felt following the birth of little Harvey, the 26-year-old knew something in her life was missing.

So, in a desperate to attempt reclaim part of the “old Emma” – who frequently went on runs and lifted weights in the gym – she vowed to change.

It worked. Emma, from Shepparton in Victoria, Australia, is now 66lbs lighter and four dress sizes smaller and feels better than ever.

She told “I’ve always been a very active person throughout my entire life, but when I fell pregnant, this slowed down and I felt heavy and exhausted.

“I always had major cravings and I didn’t restrict myself at all, I wanted to enjoy that special time in my life.

“I love chocolate, and I craved chocolate mousse every day. I wanted cheesecake, flavoured milk, just anything with sugar.”

Emma credits her post-partum weight loss and change in mindset to the following simple lifestyle changes:

Going on easy walks with her son in the pramDoing light housework with Harvey strapped to her in a carrierUsing cans of food as light dumbbells

She also overhauled her diet – opting for low-fat, high-protein foods with plenty of carbs, and ensuring she remained in a calorie deficit (eating fewer calories than you burn).

Her top meal tips, according to Daily Mail Australia, include:

Swapping full-fat milk for skimmedUsing avocado oil instead of olive oilEating low-fat margarine not butterAdding protein to every meal

But the hairdresser, who wants to set a good example for her son, saw serious results without giving up her favourite snacks.

The key, she said, was to enjoy them in moderation.

“I’m not into restricting myself, and I still eat chocolate everyday,” the single mum, who also focuses heavily on her mental health, said.

“It was very small steps, but it made a huge difference.”

But Emma, who shared her journey on Instagram (@miss_no_goode), is keen to remind people that “there’s no such thing as a quick fix”.

She posted this week: “Every morning you have two choices: continue to sleep with your dreams or wake up and chase them.

“Stay consistent with your nutrition and training and the results will come.”

What Emma ate in a day to lose weight

Breakfast (7am) – Chocolate overnight oats

Mid-morning snack (10am) – Chocolate biscuit or fresh fruit

Lunch (12pm) – Bagel with two eggs and low-fat cream cheese

Afternoon tea (3pm) – Muesli bar

Dinner (6pm) – Spaghetti Bolognese 

Evening snack (9pm) – Protein shake

Source: Daily Mail Australia

Instagram/@miss_no_goodeEmma before vowing to make a change[/caption]

Instagram/@miss_no_goodeThe hairdresser now[/caption]

Instagram/@miss_no_goodeThe single mum said: ‘It was very small steps, but it made a huge difference’[/caption]

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