I’m distraught – and am outraged that no one else seems to be

It seems that to our politicians, these tragedies barely register at all (Picture: AFP via Getty Images)

With global disasters, a pattern is emerging. And it makes me uneasy.

Whenever Europe is caught in heat waves or floods, or America and Canada are experiencing spreading wildfires, justifiably, it dominates the headlines and discussions online. 

When Russia invaded Ukraine, yellow and blue flags replaced profile pictures, adorned houses and fluttered on flagpoles across the country.

When a white, western country is inflicted by a disaster – whether man made or natural – it seems to me that we see not only the big picture, the death tolls and damage estimates, but individual stories of people who managed to save pets or who have lost everything but the clothes on their back. 

We hear the human stories because the victims are seen as exactly that: human.

But I’ve noticed that when tragedies strike in less developed, less well-known, frankly, less-white parts of the world, it appears we only get the surface level response.

That has been increasingly obvious over the past week, which has been catastrophic for North Africa with a 6.8 magnitude earthquake hitting Morocco on September 8 and Storm Daniel utterly decimating much of Eastern Libya as it struck last weekend.

And since then, I have felt like I’m living in a parallel universe.

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While headlines counting the ever-rising death toll have been regularly updated, I can’t help but feel like there is a stark difference between how the British public react to news of disasters in far-away perceived ‘third-world’ countries compared to those reckoned to be geographically or culturally closer to home – even though North Africa is only three hours away. 

As a British Libyan, with lots of North African family and friends, I’ve revisited the disasters in Morocco and Libya everytime I look at my phone – whether I’m constantly searching for updates, talking to family about who is missing, or friends updating followers with the best places to donate.

And it goes broader than just those with Libyan or Moroccan heritage. It’s struck me how deeply other Muslims have been deeply invested in the human loss of these dual tragedies too. 

Influencers and public figures like Instagram baker Chaimaa Creates and Islamic speaker Omar Suleiman are helping to raise money and awareness, while I have friends from Pakistan, Malaysia and Turkey messaging me to ask if my family are safe.

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And the other side of this parallel universe are those who have turned a blind eye completely – or those online who seemingly don’t even register the human cost of this devastation. 

I haven’t seen a widespread social media campaign in which everyone declares ‘I am Libya’ or ‘we are all Morocco’ – celebrities aren’t aren’t auctioning off expensive items en masse to aid the victims of these North African tragedies. 

What’s more, it seems that to our politicians, these tragedies barely register at all. 

Unlike with other global disasters, no condolences were offered during Prime Minister’s Questions and no promise of aid or support was made. In fact, it hadn’t come up at all until an urgent question was asked by a junior minister in Parliament.

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When these disasters are acknowledged, many people in the UK can only see it in relation to their own experiences, like those reflecting on their Moroccan holidays, or parts of the British media focussing on how UK tourists have been impacted. 

I believe we are desensitised to the death and suffering of non-white people on our television screens. 

Over a quarter of an entire city being wiped out by floods – as has been the case in the Eastern Libyan city of Derna – would be unthinkably horrific in a western context.

Donation drives would be set up on every street corner, in every church hall. People would open their homes to refugees arriving to give them a home. 

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Just like people did to support those fleeing from war zones in Ukraine or, even earlier, for victims of Hurricane Katrina, which caused similar levels of devastation. 

And yet all we have really seen about Libya or Morocco is down-the-bulletin news reports and dispatches from Brits affected. 

There’s nothing wrong with viewing things partially through a British lens, but only if you are willing to look at the whole picture.

For example, many of the infrastructure failings in Libya that led to such tragic, widespread human loss can be, in my view, partially attributed to British influence in the country, from bombing campaigns to economic sanctions. 

So the disaster isn’t as detached from the UK as we might think.

What’s important right now is to divert our attention to the people of Morocco and Libya, to raise awareness and to donate what we can. 

It’s time for British people to look in the mirror – think about what you personally did for Ukraine and consider why you haven’t been moved to do even a fraction of that for these nations. 

And once the initial chaos has finally died down, we in the UK should treat this as a learning experience – everyone, no matter where they are, deserves our help when disaster strikes.

You can donate to help people in Morocco here, and those in Libya here.

Do you have a story you’d like to share? Get in touch by emailing jess.austin@metro.co.uk

Share your views in the comments below.

MORE : Death toll soars to 11,300 in Libya as floods devastate coastal city

MORE : Before and after satellite images reveal devastating scale of flooding in Libya

MORE : Mysterious flashes light up the sky moments before Morocco earthquake

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