Ukraine shows off Britain’s mighty Challenger 2 tanks in action as they head for the frontline to face down Putin

UKRAINE has shown off the UK’s mighty Challenger 2 tanks in action for its showdown with Vladimir Putin.

Fourteen of the British tanks arrived in Ukraine in March earlier this year, with suggestions they would spearhead the counter-offensive.

YouTubeUkraine shows off Britain’s mighty Challenger 2 tanks[/caption]

YouTubeThe tanks could be seen firing as part of a training exercise[/caption]

The Ukrainian military has been secretive about the movements of the Challenger 2 tanks.

But a new video of the tanks in action has been released by the Airborne Assault Troops of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

The footage shows multiple camouflaged Challenger 2s being driven through muddy terrain and firing shells as part of a training exercise.

The tank’s turret can also be seen swivelling as it travels at speed through sand and huge puddles.

Also among the clips is the tank hiding close to a treeline and releasing a swathe of smoke as it travels along a dirt track.

In the video, one of the soldiers said: “The impressions are great, both in training and in action.”

No location was given for the training exercise and it remains unclear if the tanks have been deployed to the front line

Challenger 2s have been praised by Ukrainian tankers as “diamonds” and “beasts”, with crews travelling to the UK earlier this year to train with them on in a three-week course on Salisbury Plain.

The 1,200bhp tank’s 120mm cannon can be armed with armour piercing shells that fly towards the enemy at 4,250mph.

It can also be armed with high explosive bunker busting shells that can blow up light enemy vehicles or entrenched positions.

The Challenger 2 can carry up to 1,800 litres of diesel, giving them an average 341 miles range at a speed of 37mph.

If needed, additional fuel can be sprayed on the hot engine to produce a smoke screen, providing cover for the tank.

The tank driver controls the vehicle with two sticks from an almost lying down position.

On each side are five smoke grenade dischargers, with can be fired as a smoke screen to the front, protecting against laser beam-riding missiles.

It also has a chain gun spitting out 7.62mm rounds to rip through soft-skinned vehicles such as trucks, or dismounted infantry.

It comes as huge explosions today rocked Russian-occupied Crimea after suspected Ukrainian drones targeted an ammunition depot.

It is the third daring attack believed to have been masterminded by Ukraine on the annexed region this week in a humiliating blow to Vladimir Putin.

Sergei Aksyonov, the Moscow-installed leader of the region, reported the drone attack had succeeded in hitting an ammunition depot and there were no known casualties.

YouTubeThe location of the video has not been revealed[/caption]

YouTubeParatroopers described their thoughts on the tank[/caption]

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